Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Teengirl Fantasy

No post yesterday, so there'll hopefully be two today if I get the time.

Teengirl Fantasy are a band I'm pretty late to get on the bandwagon for. They play this sort of cross between the twinkly melodies of yr average twee pop band, but fuse it with dubstep and an essence of drone to create a totally chilled, Washed Out-esque tropical island. 'Hoop Dreams' was the first song I listened to from their CD-R, completely by chance, and I'd say it's probably their best so far - sweet beats, sweet samples, and one sweet jam. I can assure you won't be hearing anything like this on the next Justice album.

Gonna post the entire CD-R, simply because it's way too difficult to narrow down one track. You need to hear this.

Teengirl Fantasy - 'CD-R'
BUY: Pukekos

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